Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Easter Discos

What do you get when you combine loud music, flashing lights and around 80 excited children? The answer is "a lot of fun".


On the last day of Spring term Cliddesden held two school discos. We had a great new DJ who played all the children's favourite tunes and threw sweets out into the dancing crowd. DJ Mark also had a unique way of cooling the children down, using a water pistol to spray them.


Grace Durber (Mum to two of our Key stage 1 children) from Routine Riots kicked off the Key Stage 1 Disco. She played games and taught the children dances. She did a great job and Friends of Cliddesden would like to thank her for doing this free of charge.

Total raised:  £104.00

DJ Mark then took over and the children had a good dance. The Key Stage 2 disco was an hour and a half of fantastic dancing. All the children had a wonderful time strutting their stuff and showing off their latest moves.


At the end of each disco every child was given a treat to take home with them. All the children enjoyed themselves and if they didn't sleep well that night, the adults involved certainly did!


This event was organised by 'Friends of Cliddesden Primary School'. To find out more, please click here.