Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Sainsbury's Active Kids Hip Hop Workshops

The whole school participated in Sainsbury’s Active Kids workshops where they learnt how to dance in a hip-hop style.  These workshops were funded by the vouchers collected by you in 2014.

KS1 started with a warm up where they had to pretend to be going under bridges and following a bumblebee. To make it easier to master some of the hip-hop moves the children were asked to follow basic instructions: throw, catch and stir the pudding.  They also pretended to be soldiers, frogs, flies and worms. The children then put all these moves together resulting in them hip-hopping. They had to focus on sharp, clean and strong movements. In groups, the children then performed the routine to the rest of the class. We ended with some free-styling!

At the start of the KS2 sessions the children were taught about the history of hip-hop and where it originated. The children then learnt how to pop, lock and tut – key movements in hip-hop dancing. They used this knowledge to learn a dance routine and practiced it with their dance instructor before perfecting their moves. Next, they were split into groups and performed their dance to their peers, finishing in hip-hop style finishing positions.

In addition to these workshops, we have planned Taekwondo workshops again funded by vouchers collected in 2014 and we have also bought some cookery equipment.


Sainsbury’s 2015 Active Kids vouchers are out now and we are once again collecting. Please do send them in with your child and ask family, friends and neighbours to collect for us too!