Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Class S Violin Performance

Class S have been learning the violin for 1 term. They had lessons once a week in school and didn’t have the opportunity to take the instruments home to practice, so they have done extremely well to have learnt what they have in this short spring term.


We started by plucking the instruments without use of the bow to get used to holding the violin correctly. We learnt the 4 string names of the violin – GDAE.

Once we started using the bows, we did games and exercises to help develop the strength and control needed to use the bow. We made our bows say 'no', 'yes' and 'maybe' and we did an exercise called monkey climbing, climbing up and down our bows, sometimes as a race!


Once we had got used to bowing we developed into playing and reading different rhythms in the tunes we played by using conventional music notation which some of pupils had never used before.


There were many tunes we played just for fun and to enjoy the sound that the violin made. 


Mrs Clokey

Hampshire Music Service