Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

The Living Rainforest - by Luis

On Thursday we visited the Living Rainforest.  As we got settled into our corner of the big hall, our tour guide told us what to do and what not to do.  Here are some examples: don’t run, shout, push or interrupt any tours. 


After a while we started to head into the Living Rainforest.  The class was split into two groups.  One group was having a tour and the other group got to explore.  The group I was in was having a tour with an expert. The first animal we saw was a poison dart frog.


One of my favourite animals was the Carpet Python because its head can split into two halves to make its mouth bigger.


The two-toed sloth was hard to spot because it was right behind a cage and in leaves but when we were having a tour the sloth came out and then back to its perch on the cage.


The trip to The Living Rainforest was very exhausting but I would definitely want to go again.