Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

The Living Rainforest - by Olivia

On Thursday 17th July Class S went to the living rainforest.


When we got there Kirsty told us the health and safety rules of going in the rainforest.  Kirsty is the health and safety guide.  She told us that we weren’t allowed to touch anything (except each other, glass, our clothes etc).  Basically we weren’t allowed to touch the animals, their food or any of the plants.


When we got into the rainforest there was a sudden wash of pure heat and humidity.  Finley felt faint at first because it was so hot. It was at least 40’c.

Tamsin, the Year 4 tour guide, talked to us a lot as we went round the rainforest.   Mostly she talked about stuff like bananas and vanilla as well as pineapples, ginger and Brazil nuts but Tamsin also told us about how rainforest tribes eat toucan and Geoldi’s monkeys.  They don’t eat marmoset because they are far too small. When rainforest tribes catch and eat, for example a toucan, its feathers are made into headdresses, its meat is eaten and all sorts of things can happen with the beak.  One of the plants that everyone kept well away from was the dumb cane, which if you ate it, you wouldn’t be able to talk. Mr Stapleton wanted to bring some home. Fortunately, Tamsin didn’t let him. Phew!