Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Ghandhi comes to mind

A performance commissioned by Anvil Arts based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi


Over the last six months Oak and Chestnut classes have been working alongside musicians, singers, dancers and choreographers to create music, songs and dances which represent and tell the life of Mahatma Gandhi.


The workshops focused on the language of Indian dance and writing songs to tell the stories of Gandhi’s life, including: travelling on a train, burning of identity cards, weaving cotton and the Salt March.


Each class wrote their own songs from their verbal and musical imaginations which the musician, Howard Moody, then put to music. The children’s songs were then choreographed to include dance and drama movements.


Our workshops culminated in a production at The Anvil in Basingstoke on Tuesday 8th March, where our classes joined three other schools to perform ‘Gandhi Comes to Mind’.


The production was a great success and both Oak and Chestnut classes did Cliddesden proud. The performance was outstanding and was well attended by families and the public.


Our parent views:


'Brilliant performance depicting the life of Gandhi. It was lovely to see a variety of schools taking part and coming all together.'


'The performance was a great opportunity for the children to showcase how hard they have been working. I really felt they did the school proud and it was clear to see they really enjoyed it.'


'A wonderful opportunity for the children to learn about culture, history and performing arts. All in all an excellent and diverse learning opportunity.'


'Exceptional effort was put in. It opens eyes to other areas of life and a great way to learn History.'


'Fantastic show. I believe it is this sort of experience that helps shape the way children turn out for the better.'