Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Rugby League

Report by:

Hannah - Year 6

On Monday 6th October the Yr 5 and Yr 6 pupils of Cliddesden Primary School took part in rugby matches at North Waltham primary school. Mrs Banks, Mr Davies and Mrs Saunders took us in separate cars to North Waltham.


Our first match was against Oakley Primary School. At the beginning the referee Mr Filby asked the team captains to go to him. He asked me which hand a coin was in, I went first because the other captain was a boy and it’s ladies first, I guessed the wrong hand so Overton started with the ball. At first Oakley scored two tries. Afterwards we scored a try; the try was scored by Ryan. Next Oakley scored another try making the score 3-1. After that Ryan scored us another, then striking again Oakley scored! Soon after Carys crossed the line making the final score 4-2 to Oakley.


Next our match was against Overton. Once again Mr Filby bought over the two team captains as I was the girl again I chose first, I got it wrong again! The opposing team, Overton, started with the ball. They got the first try because we were unable to the get the tags because they were super speedy! Afterwards we got our own back. Zac scored Cliddesden our first try; although he was tagged he took one step and scored. After Zac scored Overton scored three more tries meaning the score was 4-1, but we still had a chance to get a try and I managed to score Cliddesden our second.


Our final match was against the hosts, North Waltham. They were a strong team so they scored the first 4 tries, despite the fact they were winning we still had a chance Thomas B and Corey scored us our last tries of our last match.


Despite being defeated in all 3 games, we played well and scored in every match.  With more practice we are confident we will make good progress in the next league meeting.


Thank you to Mrs Banks for coaching us and the parents who provided transport or came along to cheer us on.