Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Rugby League

It was a cold and damp afternoon but our team was fired up and raring to play in the next leg of the Rugby League.


First up against us was Oakley. Kai started the play by passing the ball out to his right and after some good passing we got our first try scored by Thomas. Oakley then re started play, some great defence rewarded us with another try scored by Hannah. Oakley retaliated and scored only to be out run by Ryan whose legs won us another try. Oakley managed one more followed by a great run from Hannah who managed another try ending in a 4 – 3 win to us.


Next we were up against North Waltham. Kai started play by passing the ball out to Ryan who immediately bolted over the line giving us our first try. 

Click here for Oak Class.


North Waltham managed to get through our defence scoring against us, twice in a row. Cliddesden retaliated with some good passing and were awarded another try, scored by Ryan. North Waltham, again, gained two more points on the score board with Cliddesden regaining composure and getting another try in last play. 4 – 3 win to North Waltham.


Our last game was against a very strong Overton side, who immediately scored a try within minutes. This was followed by some good team work ending with Hannah putting the ball across the line. Overton again speedily retaliated, getting another try only to be out run by a dodging Carys, who got us our second try. Overton managed one more try, ending the match with a 3 – 2 win to them.


Overall a good day with some great teamwork.