Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Year 6 Leavers

JJ's Leavers Party - by Mia W


On Wednesday 8th July, the Year 6 children from Oak class went to JJ’s for their leavers party. Once we arrived, we had half an hour to run around JJ’s and go on the slides. After exploring, we had our tea and took some silly photos. We then played laser tag in the play area of JJ’s. There were two teams – red and green – and the red team mainly won! We played a couple games with the lights on and the few last games were in the dark – as they turned off, all you could hear was lots of people screaming and laughing! We then had some delicious chocolate cake made by Mrs Hussey and went home after an exciting 2 hours.


Graduation Assembly


The Year 6 Graduation Assembly was a special time for the children and their families to share some cherished memories and celebrate successes achieved throughout their Primary School journey.


Mr Davies welcomed everyone and awarded the children their Graduation certificates and this was followed by some kindhearted words from Miss Pugh, that really did sum the children up.


Independently, the children had created a wonderful ‘Memories’ video using iMovie, which I do believe brought a tear to an eye or two!


It is testament to the school to see previous teachers returning to say goodbye to classes they have previously taught. This was a particularly special leavers assembly for Mrs Jones as these children were the last class she taught before her retirement and in traditional ‘Mrs Jones’ style, each was given a smiley sticker as they would have received for good work in Year R.


Reverend Stephen, our dedicated Chair of Governors, gave the children some valuable advice and reminded them that at this time of reflection, it was also an exciting time wondering what the future, or The Next Big Step will hold.


The children worked incredibly hard in their SATs and this was an ideal opportunity to celebrate their results and once again, they made us extremely proud.


Mr Davies continued by awarding the Headteachers Award and Mrs Millsom then delivered a lovely speech and gave the school a gift from the Year 6’s, a barometer and weather vane which will definitely assist with future Geography lessons. Mrs Hussey was presented with flowers for organising the Year 6 JJ’s party.


There was only one way for the Year 6’s to finish their assembly, with the final song from their production: We’ll Shine (like the stars that we are) and we as a school, have no doubt that they will.


Click here to find out more about Oak Class.

JJ's Leavers Party

Graduation Assembly

Leavers BBQ