Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Healthy Eating Week

Willow Class

Willow Class joined in with Healthy Eating Week by Planning, Preparing and Evaluating a Stripy Salad!


We talked about the ingredients we could use for a salad using different colour fruit and vegetables and cheese.


We then designed our salad to go into a clear tumbler, drawing a picture and labelling all the ingredients.


We all had a go at chopping, peeling and grating the fruit, vegetables and cheese putting them in bowls ready to “build” our salads.


Everyone took turns to put their salad together and tried really hard to follow their plan.


With any leftover ingredients we had a chance to taste test things we were unfamiliar with, which we really enjoyed.


Our salads were eaten at home where we had a chance to talk to our families about our choices.


Next day at school we wrote an evaluation. We had to say whether we found it easy or tricky, what we did or didn’t like and what we would change if we made it again.


We had a lot of fun with this task and learnt lots too!!


Beech Class

To begin Healthy Eating Week, Beech Class discussed what they had for breakfast that morning and why having a good, healthy breakfast was an important way to start their day.


Using a tally chart we recorded everyones breakfast for that morning and transferred this information onto a bar graph.


We also discussed the different food sources and why it is important to make sure that our bodies need all of these different food types.


Following on from this we created our very own healthy couscous.  We talked about kitchen hygiene, used our weighing skills and also used our knives very carefully chop our ingredients. Many of us had never tried couscous before and all of us were willing to have a taste and most of us thought it was delicious!



Oak Class 

Throughout week beginning 18th May Oak Class took part in a project called ‘Shake it Up’. This is a project run by Proteus Theatre Company, working with a variety of artists. The project is designed to educate children about keeping healthy, nutrients, food, drinks and exercise.


Click here to read more.

Chestnut Class

In Chestnut Class, we were thinking about the challenge of ‘Trying Something New’.

We decided to design our own African recipes, based on traditional dishes and drinks from different countries in Africa.


The recipes had to consider foods available in our country which could be grown in Africa or similar foods. We had to change plantains for bananas.


We also had to remember risks and hazards to avoid while working with food, food preparation and kitchen hazards.


One of our parents is a chef so we asked if he would do the more challenging cooking and supervise the kitchen for us. He explained all the rules for kitchen safety and we enjoyed watching from behind the safety line.


The parents came in to help too and we were very pleased with the results, and scored all the dishes as we tasted them.


We were all very proud of ourselves for completing the challenge and trying something new.