Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Oak Class - Shake it Up Project

Throughout week beginning 18th May Oak Class have taken part in a project called ‘Shake it Up’. This is a project run by Proteus Theatre Company, working with a variety of artists. The project is designed to educate children about keeping healthy, nutrients, food, drinks and exercise.

Our first workshop was on Monday 18th May. We took part in a dance workshop, run by Hannah from Gremlin Dance Company. We were taught how to street dance, learning moves such as the wave, tutting and the helicopter. We learnt a routine as a class and then added our own moves in small groups. This was a very active two hours and we had great fun.


On Thursday 21st May we were visited by Ross from Proteus Theatre Company who taught us drama techniques and we participated in a physical theatre workshop. We created a superhero and villain linked to healthy and unhealthy foods, and in groups we had to create a short drama piece to tell the story of our superhero saving the day over our unhealthy villain. Some of our superheroes were: ‘Veggi-Reggie’, ‘Veginator’, ‘Carrot Stick’ and some of our villains were: ‘Gertrude Sweetenator’ and ‘Cake Cat’.


Our final workshop was less active but more arty! We took part in a ceramicist workshop with a lady called Katie from Katie Smith Ceramics. We used clay to create our own pottery work linked to fruits which included either a bunch of grapes, a slice of melon or an apple.


We have had a busy and active week learning all about how to lead a healthy lifestyle.  Click here to find out more about Oak Class.