Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Chestnut Class visit QMC

Getting there

First we got put into groups (year 3 and year 4) and got onto the QMC mini bus. It took 20 minutes to get there.


Torch experiment

The first experiment was a torch experiment. First we shone a torch, from the east, on a toothbrush to see what shadow it made. It shone in the west. Next we shone the torch north east and the shadow ended up south west. Then we shone the north and the shadow was just a circle around the toothbrush!


Making shadow puppets

We glued black paper and old sweet wrappers to make a shadow puppet, there was a large light shining on the back of a translucent board. When we put our shadow puppet between the light and the board you could not only see the outline of our shadow puppets but the different colours showed as well.


Opaque, translucent and transparent objects

We used an old overhead projector to test different materials to see if they had a shadow. If there was no shadow then the object was transparent if there was a slight shadow then the object was translucent and if there was a dark shadow then the object was opaque.  



Out in the garden there was a sundial, unfortunately on the day we went the sun wasn’t shining so it was hard to see. We used a torch to change the length and position of the shadow. We thought it would be really hard to tell the exact time using a sundial.


We had a super morning out and learnt so much about dark and light.


Click here to find out more about Chestnut Class.