Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

KS1 From Farm to Fork

On Tuesday 20th January, a lady called Julie, from Tesco Chineham, came to talk to Beech and Willow Class about a Tesco educational project ‘From Farm to Fork’. Julie explained to the children where their food came from and how it had been grown.


Beech and Willow Class took part in many different activities throughout the afternoon, including:


  • Completing a rainbow of fruits and vegetables which showed that they knew a lot of fruits and vegetables for each colour in the rainbow!
  • A game where the children had to fill their fruit baskets with fruits of each colour by rolling the right number on their die.
  • A guessing game where children had to guess the fruit or vegetable – most of them were guessed easily, but there were some tricky ones like “Sharon Fruit” that caught us out!
  • A choosing activity where the children had to choose a corner depending on where they thought the fruit or vegetable had grown.
  • The chance to make a ‘rainbow fruit kebab’ made up from strawberries, melon, pineapple, red and green grapes, and blueberries.

We also had the opportunity to hold fresh some seasonal fish- this was squidgy and had a funny smell! The children wore gloves and passed around tuna, mussels, salmon, a langoustine and a mackerel.


We had a fantastic afternoon learning about lots of fruit and vegetables and where they grow. Now we know all the different types of fruit and vegetables, we promised Julie to eat a lot more of them!

Willow Class

Click here for Willow Class


Beech Class

Click here for Beech Class