Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Year 6 visit Gordon Brown Centre

On Friday 17th May, all of Year 6 went to the Gordon Brown centre to relax after their SATs week.  We enjoyed three activities: low ropes, a team obstacle challenge and laser tag.
The low ropes was actually a series of challenges. As well as balancing on beams and wires, we had to build a bridge and work as a pair to cross a swing bridge.  Then there was also a rock climbing frame and a cargo net.  Just when we thought we were safe, Mrs Hussey kept swinging the cargo net to make it a thousand times harder!
After that, we went to the second obstacle course, where we got split into two teams - Team Alpha and Team Delta.  We stayed in those teams for laser tag too.  As we completed the obstacles, we were timed.  By lunchtime, both teams had an equal amount of points, so it was all down to laser tag.
Laser tag was definitely our favourite event of the day.  Everyone had to wear sensors on a hat, and carrying our laser guns we headed into the woods.  Mrs Hussey and Mr Davies were on opposite teams.  Mrs Hussey is very proud that she has won for the last three years, so we didn't want to let Mr Davies win!  We played two versions of laser tag: one where we had to capture all of the opposite team, and one where we had to guard the VIP.  In both versions, Mrs Hussey won.
We had an amazing time and when the Year 5s become Year 6s I would definitely recommend this trip to them.


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