Cliddesden Primary School

Learning Together, Growing Together

Cliddesden Primary School, Cliddesden, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 2QU

01256 321571 - Fax: 01256 3336

Year 6 - TeenTech

On Wednesday 11th October, Year 6 went to TeenTech at the Hampshire Court Hotel.  More than 300 students aged 10-16 were there from 25 different schools.  The event gave the children an opportunity to talk to professionals from companies linked to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) as well as a chance to design their own technology for the future.   

One of the highlights of the festival for the students was the chance to meet Alex Lewis, a quadruple amputee.  They had heard about his story in the previous week.  Having lost his limbs in 2013, he has worked with universities and small companies to pioneer assistive technology, which has allowed him and others to lead fulfilling lives.  Our pupils also enjoyed visiting the many stands in the conference hall: they were able to use professional video recording equipment, try coding robots, explore the effects of artificial intelligence and even use virtual reality headsets. 

There were many challenges, such as building a gearbox and working as a team to construct a frame.  All the pupils had a fantastic time and returned to school with an even more optimistic attitude towards STEM.  

Click here to find out more about Oak Class.